Maxi-Mizer Fuel Additives

Frequently Asked Questions

What is in the product and how does each property work to produce results?
  1. The combustion catalyst increases the rate of burning, which increases pressure on the piston, providing improved power.
  2. The combustion catalyst improves completeness of combustion, reducing excessive emissions.
  3. The combustion catalyst acts directly on carbon deposits by reducing the termperature at which they will burn. This allows normal combustion to gradually remove most, if not all, carbon deposits over a period of time.
  4. The combustion catalyst modifies the ignition behavior of the fuel, resulting in the anti-knock benefits (reduced dieseling and pinging). The catalyst in the MAXI-MIZER formulation also increases the octane rating of the fuel.
  5. The detergent helps remove and prevent deposits in the carburetor throat, fuel filter, pump and lines, improving performance and reducing emissions.
  6. The dispersant maintains a small amount of gum and sludge, which is present in all commercially available fuel, in dispersion, and keeps it from forming deposits and clogging filters.
  7. The fuel stabilizing components reduce oxidation of the fuel, which can cause deterioration in combustion quality, and color drift, which indicates the formation of sediment or sludge.
  8. Addiional fuel stabilizing components also maintain moisture in solution in the fuel, thereby dramatically reducing rust which can clog filters and destroy fuel system components.
  9. The carrier components in the MAXI-MIZER formulation improve the lubricating value of the fuel, improving fuel pump performance and lubrication in the top cylinder area.
  10. A minute amount of methanol in the GASOLINE MAXIMIZER formulation maintains water in solution, effectively preventing ice crystal formation and thereby reducing the risk of icing in both the fuel line and the carburetor.
Does it burn completely?
     Although the catalyst is designed to lay down a thin protective coating, it also increases the rate of combustion of the fuel. The most dramatic effect of this combustion catalyst is to cause the fuel to burn during the most effective part of the combustion cycle when the piston is relatively early in its power stroke, so the maximum force or power is provided from the fuel. Consequently, because of the combustion catalyst, fuel treated with MAXI-MIZER will burn substantially cleaner than untreated fuel. Note: this process can only be demonstrated under high pressure and temperature combustion conditions and will not be apparent in such demonstrations as the spoon burn test.
What happens if it is overdosed?
     Contrary to some other products which can be used as an alternative to gasoline in emergency situations (when the vehicle is out of fuel), MAXI-MIZER should never be used at levels above 6 ounces to 20 gallons nor should the product ever be used as a carburetor cleaner by pouring it down the carburetor throat. The reason for this is that the catalyst in MAXI-MIZER does result in the generation of a very small amount of a catalytically-active iron coating. This improves performance and reduces wear at normal doses. However, if the product is used at levels substantially above the recommended use rate, it can result in accelerated wear in the engine. Consequently, the use of MAXI-MIZER at levels above 6 ounces per 20 gallons is specifically prohibited and voids the liability coverage on the product.
What is the cause of the red deposits?
     The red deposits are the iron residue from the catalyst. Laboratory tests on pistons taken from 300 horsepower engines after 300,000 miles of using MAXI-MIZER, have proven that the red deposits are catalytic to combustion. Consequently, the red deposits formed in the combustion chamber with both diesel and gasoline engines are very beneficial and can be taken as an indication of the excellent performance of MAXI-MIZER in that piece of equipment.
What happens if some of the iron residue gets into the crankcase because of blowby?
     It is expected that some of the catalytic deposit will get into the crankcase. The amount, however, would be too small to cause any harm. An oil analysis will reveal an elevated level of iron which should be expected and considered normal. MAXI-MIZER's documented results of increased engine life prove that this elevated level of iron SHOULD NOT be interpreted as the evidence of excess engine wear, as would be the normal (and correct) evaluation.
Does the product have liability insurance?
     Yes. MAXI-MIZER products are covered by a $1 million product liability insurance policy. During the 302 million miles of documented testing, not one claim of engine failure has been presented against MAXI-MIZER
Will the methanol in the Gasoline Formula hurt the engine?
     No, not at the level in MAXI-MIZER. In fact, methanol is used in very large volumes at the current time as a blending agent by the refiners to achieve increases in octane. Methanol, in these very high quantities (in excess of 5% of the fuel, compared to less than 0.0008% from MAXI-MIZER in treated fuel) can cause substantial increases in water formation, leading to serious corrosion which would be harmful. At its recommended use rate, however, the Gasoline Formula contains only the amount specifically necessary for fuel line anti-freeze protection and will not cause any problems whatsoever.
How can such a small amount of MAXI-MIZER produce results?
     MAXI-MIZER has been formulated to contain the most efficient and functional additives in each of the performance categories outlined above. This highly concentrated formulation is indeed effective at extremely low use rates. An analogy that helps us to understand the potency of the formula is the observation that the actual recommended dose rate of MAXI-MIZER is approximately 10 times higher than the normal dose of two aspirin tablets used by a 150-pound individual! Most people would admit that aspirin is a very effective remedy for headaches and minor pains. Similarly, at very low concentrations, MAXI-MIZER improves the performance of internal combustion engines because it is formulated to directly address combustion inefficiency and fuel related problems at their source. The petrochemistry of MAXI-MIZER takes advantage of the very latest and most sophisticated technology.
Can MAXI-MIZER be used in airplanes?
     MAXI-MIZER is not F.A.A. approved. The exhaustive testing and time required to achieve F.A.A. approval is not anticipated due to the very limited market. Eagle International Marketing strictly prohibits the use of MAXI-MIZER in any aircraft engine for non-stationary use.
How does the product affect the following?
  1. Catalytic converter. The product will have absolutely no harmful effect on catalytic converters.
  2. Oxygen sensor. MAXI-MIZER treated fuel will not in any way harm oxygen sensors.
  3. Fuel injection. The effect on fuel injection equipment will be to improve the function of the fuel system by reducing any gum and varnish deposits which may form at the injector tips, thereby providing improved performance.
  4. Computerized carburetor. The product itself will have no negative effect on the computerized carburetor. Some of the newer vehicles, however, have a feature in the computer control of the carburetor which is called reactive memory. This feature can result in a short-term oscillation between high power and low power characteristics. This condition will correct itself in a short period of time and is simply the normal reaction of the computer to substantial improvements in performance. Once the improvement is fully developed, the computer will adjust to this improved level of performance and the oscillation in performance will stop.
  5. Turbo chargers. Turbo chargers , upon tear down, will show the red deposit, as will the catalytic converter, oxygen sensor and anything which has contact with the high-temperature exhaust from MAXI-MIZER treated fuel. This red deposit will not in any way harm the performance of the turbo charger, but will, in fact, protect the turbo charger by removing carbon deposits.
  6. Fuel filter. In normal, routine operation the use of the product will improve the performance of the fuel filter. In fact, the life of the fuel filter should be extended unless some bad fuel is received. In the initial break-in period with the MAXI-MIZER, it is slightly possible that the initial action of the fuel line detergents would remove enough gum and varnish to plug the fuel filter. Simple replacement of the fuel filter will solve that problem and it should not re-occur.
  7. Various plastic seals. The components of MAXI-MIZER are compatible with all automotive seal materials and will not cause any seal or gasket problems, as documented in 302 million miles of actual use.
  8. Rotary engines. MAXI-MIZER will be equally effective in rotary engines. Extensive highway testing has proven that MAXI-MIZER is equally effective in 2-cycle and 4-cycle equipment. Consequently, MAXI-MIZER can be relied upon to provide improved fuel economy and performance in rotary engine equipment (which is similar in theory to two-cycle engines).
Will the use of this product void the warranty of a new car?
     The reason that Eagle Marketing has chosen a product with 12 years of testing documentation behind it is to provide complete factual data showing that the use of this product will not cause any negative effects on engine life or performance. This has been more than adequately demonstrated in independent test laboratories and in actual driving conditions. It is not possible (legally) for engine manufacturers to deny warranty protection based simply on the use of an automotive additive, even though most engine manufacturers strongly recommend against using them. Legally, a manufacturer must demonstrate a causative relationship between the use of the additive and the warranty question specifically at issue before they can deny a warranty claim.
When should results be seen?
     The early results will be better with new cars than with old cars. The reason for this is that old cars have established more carbon, gum, and varnish deposits. These all require time to remove, and the carbon deposits, until they are removed, will prevent the deposit of the catalytically active iron coating. Consequently, short-term treatment (120 gallons of treated fuel) will show more advantages in newer cars, whereas the longer term (320 gallons of treated fuel) will show superior performance in older cars.
Why is MAXI-MIZER better than other additives?
     MAXI-MIZER combines the latest advances in petrochemical science with a uniquely effective combustion catalyst, which is found only in GASOLINE and DIESEL MAXI-MIZER. This catalyst is the primary reason for MAXI-MIZER's proven effectiveness above and beyond the detergency action of other additives. In other words, in addition to performance and mileage gains caused by "reclaiming" older, dirtier automobiles, MAXI-MIZER will provide an added improvement due to the iron catalyst. This is evident by its performance in clean, new cars. These formulation advantages are also supported by a uniquely complete set of field test data, which widely differentiates the MAXI-MIZER products from all competitive offerings.
Should any adjustments be made to the engine to achieve better results?
     We do not suggest any adjustments unless recommended by your qualified tune-up mechanic. The documented improvements have been observed without adjustments.
Will the product cause the engine to run rough, lose power, or get poor mileage while it is beginning to work?
     No. The product has been specifically formulated to address this problem. Due to the combustion catalyst, deposits will be consumed in combustion and a gradual improvement should be noted in the performance of the car.
Is the product flammable or combustible and what is the difference?
     MAXI-MIZER is classified as COMBUSTIBLE. "Combustible" means that it will burn but that its flash point is greater than 100 degress F. "Flammable" is the Federal Department of Transportation designation indicating a liquid which will burn and has a flash point lower than 100 ° F.
How much does MAXI-MIZER increase octane?
     The rate of increase in octane caused by MAXI-MIZER, as well as the magnitude of the increase, depends on the source of the fuel (catalytically cracked, straight run, Middle East, Mexican crude, etc.) as well as the dose rate of the MAXI-MIZER. Recent tests have shown that 3 ounces of MAXI-MIZER to 20 gallons of regular unleaded gasoline raised the octane rating by one full point in fuel that had an 84 octane rating without MAXI-MIZER. Similarly, the maximum dose of 5 ounces to 20 gallons raised the octane rating by 1.5 points in this same regular unleaded gasoline. Consequently, MAXI-MIZER can be confidently recommended to increase the octane rating of automotive gasoline.
Does MAXI-MIZER increase the operating temperature of the engine?
     No. The increased operating efficiency caused by MAXI-MIZER will result in a decrease in engine operating temperature, because an elevated operating temperature is caused by wasted energy from the combustion of untreated fuel. Since MAXI-MIZER will reduce this wasted energy, the operating temperature of the engine will actually decrease. The reduction and eventual elimination/prevention of carbon deposits will also aid in this reduction of temperature.
Will MAXI-MIZER hurt the paint on a car?
     It will not hurt the paint on a car if the paint is in an adequate state of repair with a normal wax coating on it. It is possible that some touch-up paints (based on acrylic carriers) which have not been "baked on" to the car finish, may be affected by the carriers in MAXI-MIZER. A professionally applied, baked-on finish will not, however, be harmed by an accidental spill of MAXI-MIZER.
Should a new engine be allowed to break in before using this product?
     Yes. The break-in process simply allows the new rings and valves to establish their proper relationship with the seating surfaces. Since the us of MAXI-MIZER will reduce wear, and this break-in process is an accelerated wear stage, it would be advisable to allow the break-in process to proceed for at least three tankfuls of gasoline before beginning the MAXI-MIZER program. After 1,000 miles of operation have been accomplished on an engine, it should be adequately broken in so that the MAXI-MIZER program can be initiated.
What happens if it is not used in every tank?
     It is very important that the MAXI-MIZER program be implemented in a conscientious fashion and that the additive be added to every tank of fuel. If a treatment is missed, the catalytic deposit in the combustion chamber will diminish in effectiveness and the fuel economy and power benefit will begin to recede. There is no hard and fast rule as to how long a car can go without the use of MAXI-MIZER before the entire benefit is lost, but there will definitely be a period required, after treatment is restored, to regain the former benefit because the catalytic deposit in the combustion chamber must be re-established. The best results will be obtained when MAXI-MIZER is used with every tank of fuel
How does the Diesel Formula perform in cold weather?
     Our experience in monitoring the fuel economy of diesel-powered equipment has clearly demonstrated that fleets operating in colder climates show declines in fuel economy during the winter months. The declines range from 6% to 12%, depending on the amount of time the units operate in the colder regions, and on the severity of the weather encountered. There are numerous theories and hypotheses as to why this occurs. The most common are:
  1. That cold weather operation leads to an increase in idle time to maintain both engine and operator cab temperatures in the acceptable range,
  2. That the colder operating environments cause a lower operating temperature, increasing the viscosity of the lubricants, which in turn causes increased parasitic loss, and
  3. That colder weather operations definitely result in a lower average diesel fuel temperature because as the fuel temperature decreases, the effectiveness of the injectors in breaking up the fuel into a finely atomized mist is reduced. The direct result is a decrease in combustion efficiency, which shows up as a reduced horsepower and increased fuel consumption.
     A final very troublesome aspect of winter operation is the fact that diesel fuel contains wax components which will crystallize when the temperature of the fuel reaches what is known as the cloud point. This is the temperature at which these wax materials begin to come out of solution, giving the fuel a hazy appearance (hence, the term cloud point). Another temperature point, usually from 5 ° to 25 ° below the cloud point, is known as the pour point of the fuel. This is the temperature at which these wax crystals "gel," forming a solid matrix like a honeycomb that does not allow the diesel fuel to flow. Obviously, once the diesel fuel has reached the pour point, it will no longer flow, and no equipment designed for liquid fuel, either automotive or burner, can operate on non-flowable fuel.
     Unfortunately, with diesel powered equipment, the problem is even more severe. Diesel equipment, because of the very fine holes, or orifices, in the injector tips, requires that the fuel be very carefully filtered before it reaches the injectors. There are usually two fuel filters in a diesel--one before the fuel pump and one directly in front of the injector system. Both of these filters have very fine screens that remove contamination and dirt from the diesel fuel. If the temperature is very close to the cloud point of the fuel, wax crystals will begin to form and will close off the pores of the filter, reducing and eventually shutting off the fuel-flow to the engine.
     There are numerous additives available which do reduce the pour point of diesel fuel or No. 2 heating oil. These reductions can be dramatic, causing decreases in pour point, for example, from 0 ° F down to -30 ° F. However, these chemical additives (including detergent-type fuel treatments) have no effect on the cloud point of diesel. Consequently, the MAXI-MIZER Diesel Formula does not include any pour point depressants, since the actual operation problem occurs at cloud point, not pour point.
     Although MAXI-MIZER has no effect on pour point or cloud point, its use with heavy-duty truck fleets and automotive gasoline equipment is heghly recommended for cold weather operation. Gasoline equipment is also subject to the same cold weather sensitivity as diesel-powered equipment. Cold weather affects diesel fuel and gasoline so that the efficiency of the combustion process is reduced. This is specifically the process that the combustion catalyst in MAXI-MIZER is most efficient in enhancing.
     The rather substantial improvement from MAXI-MIZER use in cold weather operation is nicely illustrated by a 30-day test, conducted in Maine in November, with a northeastern fleet of 24 units powered by Mack and Cummins engines. The weather in November was unusually cold, and caused a full 10% drop in the fuel economy performance of the 18 non-MAXI-MIZER units, compared to the month of October. The six MAXI-MIZER treated units showed no change in fuel economy performance in November, as contrasted with the much warmer month of October. Since all these units traveled the same highways in Maine on the same days with similar loads, the only cause of this improved fuel economy performance in November was the use of MAXI-MIZER.
     While a 10% improvement in this 30-day test is well beyond normal expectations, it does illustrate the substantial improvements that can be achieved by MAXI-MIZER fuel treatments in cold weather. The short-term use of MAXI-MIZER in this test could not have resulted in the deposition of a substantial catalytic coating, nor substantially reduced carbon deposits in the combustion chamber. Consequently, the improvement in performance is most directly attributable to the ability of the catalyst to significantly improve the combustion rate in a cold weather environment. In addition, the detergent components in the MAXI-MIZER formulation would have improved the distribution pattern of the fuel from the injectors. This data documents what one fleet was able to achieve in a very short-term evaluation of MAXI-MIZER. It also suggests the type of improvement you could experience.

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